The trial of condemnation and the trial of nullification (or rehabilitation) were edited and published for the first time in their entirety by Jules Quicherat between 1841 and 1849. His edition of the condemnation trial was reedited for the Société de I’Histoire de France by Pierre Tisset and Yvonne Lanhers in three volumes published between 1960 and 1971.
The rehabilitation trial was reedited by Pierre Duparc (3 vols., 1977-1989). Since his edition, it is customary to refer to the second inquest as the nullification trial.
Champion, Pierre. Le Procès de condamnation. 2 vols. Bibliothèque du XVe siècle 22 & 23. (Paris: Edouard Champion, 1920-1921).
Doncoeur, Rev. Paul and Yvonne Lanhers, eds. Documents et recherches relatifs à Jeanne la Pucelle. 5 vols. (Melun: d’Argences, 1952-1961; except vol. 5).
-Documents et recherches Vol. 1: La minute française de l’Interrogatoire de Jeanne la Pucelle, d’après le rèquisitoire de Jean d’Estivet et les manuscrits d’Urfé et d’Orléans (1952). A complete and reliable edition of the manuscripts cited, including that of Orléans, which was long considered useless but which has since been proven essential as the closest representation of Jeanne’s own words.
-Documents et recherches Vol. 2: Instrument public des sentences portées les 24 et 30 mai 1431 par Pierre Cauchon et Jean Le Maitre contre Jeanne la Pucelle (1954). An edition of the Latin text produced by the judge and vice-inquisitor with translation and full apparatus.
-Documents et recherches Vol. 3: La réhabilitation de Jeanne la Pucelle. L’Enquete ordonnée par Charles VII en 1450 et le codicille de Guillaume Bouillé (1956). Edition with translation and critical apparatus of Charles VII’s preliminary investigation toward rehabilitation.
-.Documents et recherches Vol. 4: L’enquete du cardinal d’Estouteville en 1452 (1958). The text of the inquest of Cardinal d’Estouteville in 1452 edited, translated, and annotated.
-Documents et recherches Vol. 5: La rédaction épiscopale du procès de 1455-1456 (Paris: Desclee de Brouwer, 196 1). An edition of the “episcopal redaction” of the trial which led to Jeanne’s rehabilitation.
Duparc, Pierre, ed. Procès en nullité de la condamnation de Jeanne d’Arc. 5 vols. CNRS and Société de I’Histoire de France (Paris: Klincksieck, 1977-89). ‘Me definitive, complete edition of the documents relating to the rehabilitation trial. It is in this work that Duparc coins the phrase “nullification process” (Procès en nullité).
Oursel, Raymond, ed. Le procès de condamnation de Jeanne d’Arc. Preface by Michel Riquet (Paris: Club du meilleur livre, 1953). A modem French abridgement of Quicherat and Champion meant for the public at large.
-Le procès de réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc (Paris Denoel, 1954). Same as the last work, but for the rehabilitation trial.-Le procès de condamnation et le procès de réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc (Paris: Éditions Denöel, 1959). The more easily obtained edition of both of the preceding works.
Quicherat, Jules-Étienne-Joseph, ed. Procès de condamnation et de réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc. dite la Pucelle. Publiés pour la premiére fois d’après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, suivis de tous les documents historiques qu’on a pu réunir et accompagnées de notes et d’éclaircissements. 5 vols. Société de l’Histoire de France (Paris: Jules Renouard, 1841-1849; reprinted, New York: Johnson, 1965). The classic, exhaustive edition.
Tisset, Pierre and Yvonne Lanhers, eds. and trans. Procès de condamnation de Jeanne d’Arc. 3 voIs. Société de I’Histoire de France (Paris: Klincksieck, 1960-1971) An update and revision of Quicherat’s condemnation segment-a continuation of the work begun by Pierre Champion.