The Chronology of Jeanne d’Arc
1412 - 1431

The Chronology of Jeanne d’Arc

Table of Contents

“Although it must be admitted that it is impossible to work out the itinerary of Jeanne d’Arc with any degree of exactness, either of place or date, it is nevertheless possible to give an approximate idea of where she went and when. But it must be remembered that I make no claim for its absolute accuracy; the most I can say is that it is a suggested itinerary, based upon such facts as are at the historian’s disposal. I do not here give references in support of my statements; such will be found throughout the text in and the notes.”




January Born at Domremy to Jacques d’Arc and Isabelle Romée. Cf. Letter of Perceval de Boulainvilliers to the duke of Milan. 1 But no one else, neither Jeanne’s mother nor the witnesses at the rehabilitation trial, mentions the feast of the Epiphany 2. In the course of the trial of condemnation, Jeanne “answered that she was nineteen or thereabout.”

Sometime during that January?: Jeanne’s baptism in the church of Domremy, by the parish priest, Jean Nivet. Numerous witnesses attested to it, including some godfathers and godmothers, as well as Jeanne herself 3.


Domremy, in Jacques d’Arc’s garden. “She was thirteen years old; she heard a voice coming from God to help her control herself. And the first time she felt a great fear. And that voice came about midday, in the summer, in her father’s garden”.


Domremy. Henri d’Orly steals cattle belonging to the inhabitants of the village. The lady of Domremy, Jeanne de Joinville, makes him return them.


Burey-le-Petit. Jeanne stays with Durand Laxart.
May 13: Vaucouleurs.
First meeting with Robert de Baudricourt, around Ascension Thursday.

July ?:

Neufchateau: The inhabitants of Domremy leave their village for fear of armed bands of soldiers. Jeanne and her family are housed with a woman named La Rousse for a fortnight.
Toul. Jeanne is denounced before the authorities for breaking a promise of marriage, which she denies.



Last week To Neufchateau



Burey-le-Petit. Second stay with Durand Laxart.
Vaucouleurs. Second meeting with Robert de Baudricourt.


Nancy. Meeting with Duke Charles of Lorraine. Return to Vaucouleurs by way of Saint-Nicolas-du-Port.
Vaucouleurs. With the Le Royer couple. Saturday, February 12, 1429: “Day of the Herrings.” Jeanne announces it during her third meeting with Robert de Baudricourt. Exorcism by the parish priest of Vaucouleurs, Fournier. Her escort is gotten ready.

Tuesday, February 22: Departure from Vaucouleurs. Late afternoon. The distance to Saint-Urbain is covered at night. Jeanne is accompanied by Jean of Metz and his servant, Jean de Honnecourt; Bertrand de Poulengy and his servant, Julien; Colet de Vienne, the royal courier; and Richard the archer. “Eleven days to reach the king” 4. This date seems more·likely for the departure than for their arrival at Chinon.

Wednesday, February 23: Saint-Urbain-Clairvaux.

Thursday, February 24: Clairvaux-Pothieres.

Friday, February 25: Pothieres-Auxerre.

Saturday, February 26: Auxerre-Mezilles. In Auxerre, Jeanne attends mass in the “great church” 5

Sunday, February 27: Mezilles-Viglain.

Monday, February 28: Viglain-La Ferte.


Tuesday, March 1: La Ferte-Saint-Aignan.

Wednesday, March 2: Saint-Aignan-Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois.

Thursday, March 3: Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois-L’Ile-Bouchard. From Sainte-Catherine, Jeanne has a letter written to the king, asking him to receive her 6.

Friday, March 4: l’ile Bouchard, Chinon. Jeanne arrives at Chinon about midday. She takes up lodging in a hostelry.

Saturday, March 5: Chinon.

Sunday, March 6: Chinon. In late afternoon, Jeanne is received by the king.

Monday, March 7: Chinon. First meeting with John of Alençon.

Tuesday, March 8: Chinon.

Thursday, March 10: Chinon. Interrogation session.

Friday, March 11: Poitiers. The interrogations held at the residence of Master Jean Rabateau, where Jeanne is lodged.

Tuesday, March 22: Poitiers. Jeanne sends an ultimatum to the king of England 7.

Thursday, March 24: Departure for Chinon.


Saturday, April 2: A horseman is sent to find the sword of Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois.

Tuesday, April 5: Jeanne leaves Chinon for Tours. Her armor, her standard, and her pennon are produced.

Thursday, April 21: Departure from Tours for Blois. There Jeanne joins the royal army and the convoy of food for Orléans.
The banner for the priests to carry is produced. Departure for Orléans.

Friday, April 29: Jeanne reaches Chécy and enters Orléans in the evening by the Burgundy Gate; she takes up lodging with the treasurer of the duke, Jacques Boucher.

Saturday, April 30: Orléans. Jeanne “went to the rampart of Belle-Croix” on the bridge and speaks with “Glacidas” 8.


Sunday, May 1: Orléans. Dunois leaves Orléans to find the rest of the royal army at Blois. 9
Jeanne rides about in the city.

Monday, May 2: Orleans. Jeanne, on horseback, reconnoiters the English bastides.

Tuesday, May 3:Orleans. Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross. A procession in the city.

Wednesday, May 4: Orleans. Jeanne confronts Dunois. The Saint-Loup bastide is taken.

Thursday, May 5: Orléans. Ascension Day: no combat. Jeanne sends the English an ultimatum.

Friday, May 6: Orléans. Bastide of the Augustinians taken.

Saturday, May 7: Orleans. Bastide of the Tourelles taken.

Sunday, May 8: Orleans. The English raise the siege. Thanksgiving procession throughout the city.

Monday, May 9: Jeanne leaves Orléans.

Friday, May 13: Tours. Meeting between Jeanne and the king.

Between 13 and 24 May: Jeanne goes to Saint-Florent-les-Saumur. She meets John of Alençon, his wife, and his mother.

Sunday, May 22: The king is at Loches.

Tuesday, May 24: Jeanne leaves Loches.

Sunday, May 29: Selles-en-Berry.

Monday, June 6: Selles-en-Berry. Departure for Romorantin. Jeanne meets Guy de Laval at Selles-en-Berry.


Tuesday, June 7: Romorantin.

Thursday, June 9: Orléans. The army is regrouped.

Friday, June 10: Sandillon.

Saturday, June 11: Attack on Jargeau.

Sunday, June 12: Jargeau. Jargeau taken.

Monday, June 13: Return to Orléans.

Tuesday, June 14: Jeanne leaves the city.

Wednesday, June 15: Attack on Meung-sur-Loire.

Thursday, June 16: Attack on Beaugency.

Saturday, June 18: Battle of Patay. “The gentle king will have today the greatest victory he has ever had. And my counsel has told me that they will all be ours” 10.

Sunday, June 19: Jeanne and the captains reenter Orleans.

Wednesday, June 22: Châteauneuf-sur-Loire. Meeting of the king’s council.

Thursday, June 23: The king returns to Gien.

Friday, June 24: The army leaves for Gien. Jeanne tells the duke of Alençon, “Have trumpets sounded and mount horse; it is time to go before the gentle Dauphin Charles and put him on the road to his coronation at Reims” 11.

Saturday, June 25: Gien. Jeanne dictates letters to the inhabitants of Tournai and the duke of Burgundy to invite them to the anointing.

Sunday, June 26: Gien.

The Coronation Route


Monday, June 27: Jeanne leaves Gien.

Wednesday, June 29: The royal army sets off toward Auxerre.


Monday, July 4: Briennon-Saint-Florentin-Saint-Phal. From Saint-Phal, Jeanne writes to the inhabitants of Troyes.

Tuesday, July 5: The army before Troyes.

Saturday, July 9: Troyes. The city of Troyes agrees to receive the king.

Sunday, July 10: Troyes. The king and Jeanne enter the city.

Tuesday, July 12: Troyes-Arcy-sur-Aube.

Wednesday, July 13: Arcy-sur-Aube-Lettrée.

Thursday, July 14: Lettrée-Châlons-sur-Mame. Jeanne encounters her fellow villagers from Dornremy.

Friday, July 15: Châlons-sur-Mame-Sept-Saulx.

Saturday, July 16: Sept-Saulx-Reims.

Sunday, July 17, 1429: Anointing of Charles VII in the cathedral of Reims.

Thursday, July 21: Departure from Reims for Corbeny. Charles VII touches for scrofula.

Saturday, July 23: Soissons.

Wednesday, July 27: Château-Thierry

Sunday, July 31: Letter of Charles VII granting immunity from taxation to the inhabitants of Domremy and Greux.


Monday, August 1: Montmirail.

Saturday, August 6: Provins. Letter of Jeanne to the inhabitants of Reims.

Sunday, August 7: Coulommiers.

Wednesday, August 10: La Ferté-Milon.

Thursday, August 11: Crépy-en-Valois.

Friday, August 12: Lagny.

Saturday, August 13: Dammartin.

Monday, August 15: Montépilloy. Heavy skirmishing with the English, who withdraw toward Paris.

Wednesday, August 17-Saturday, August 28: Compiégne 12.

Monday, August 23: Jeanne leaves Compiégne.

Thursday, August 26: Saint-Denis.


Monday, September 7: Saint-Denis. The king arrives in the town.

Tuesday, September 8: Attack on Paris, at the Saint-Honoré Gate.

Wednesday, September 9: Return to Saint-Denis.

Thursday, September 10: The order is given to abandon the attack on Paris.

Saturday, September 12: The army returns to the Loire.

Monday, September 14 – Monday, September 21: Provins-Courtenay-Châteaurenard-Montargis.

Monday, September 21: Gien. Dissolution of the army.

Late September: Preparation for the La Charite campaign.


?: Departure for Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier.


Wednesday, November 4: Fall of Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier.

Late November: The army marches toward La Charité. They follow the Allier and then the Loire 13. The army crosses the Loire between Nevers and Décize. It ascends the valley of the Nievre and then cuts sharply westward toward La Charite, which isolates Perrinet Gressart from whatever help he could expect from Varzy.

Tuesday, November 24: At the request of Charles d’ Albret, the inhabitants of Bourges send 1,300 gold ecus to the royal troops. The siege begins shortly before this date and lasts a month.


Saturday, December 25: Jeanne returns to Jargeau.



?: Meung-sur-Yevre?-Bourges.

Wednesday, January 19: Orléans.

?: Sully-sur-Loire? February


?: Sully-sur-Loire.

Wednesday, March 29: Lagny.


Monday, April 24: Melun. Jeanne waits for the reinforcements requested from Charles VII.

Tuesday, April 25-May 6: Crepy-en-Valois.


Saturday, May 6: Compiégne

Thursday-Friday, May 11-12: Soissons. Guichard Bourne! refuses authorization to pass through the city.

Monday-Tuesday, May ·15-16: Compiégne.

Wednesday-Friday, May 17-18: Crépy-en-Valois.

May 19-21: Jeanne waits for reinforcements.

Monday, May 22: Return to Compiégne.

Tuesday, May 23: Capture of Jeanne d’Arc before Compiégne. Philip the Good comes from Coudun to Margny to see Jeanne.

Wednesday, May 24: Clairoix?

May 27 and 28: Beaulieu-les-Fontaines.


Monday, July 10: Departure from Beaulieu.

July 11-early November: Beaurevoir.
Asked whether she spent a long time in the tower of Beaurevoir, Jeanne answered: “Four months or thereabout.”


Thursday, November 9: Arras.

November 21-December 9: Le Crotoy.


Wednesday, December 20: Crossing of the estuary of the Somme between Le Crotoy and Saint-Valery.

Saturday, December 23: Jeanne arrives at Rouen.



Tuesday, January 9: Rouen. First day of the trial. Inquest undertaken at Dornremy and Vaucouleurs.

Saturday, January 13: The assessors read the information so far gathered on the Maid.


Tuesday, February 13: Oath swearing by the officers of the court appointed by the bishop of Beauvais.

Monday, February 19: Summons sent to the vice-inquisitor.

Tuesday, February 20: The vice-inquisitor questions whether he has competence in the matter. A new letter from the bishop of Beauvais.

Wednesday, February 21: First public session. Jeanne is presented to the court.

Thursday, February 22: Trial sessions.

Saturday, February 24: Trial sessions.

Tuesday, February 27: Trial sessions.


Thursday, March 1: Trial sessions.

Saturday, March 3: Trial sessions.

Sunday- Friday, March 4-9: Meeting, before which Jeanne does not appear, in the residence of the bishop of Beauvais.

Saturday, March 10: Trial session in prison.

Monday, March 12: Second session in prison.

Tuesday, March 13: The vice-inquisitor takes part in the trial for the first time.

Wednesday, March 14: Sessions in prison.

Thursday, March 15: Sessions in prison.

Saturday, March 17: Sessions in prison.

Sunday-Thursday, March 18-22: Meetings in the residence of the bishop of Beauvais.

Saturday, March 24: The transcript of questions and answers read to Jeanne.

Monday, March 26: Regular (“ordinary”) trial sessions begin.

Tuesday, March 27: The seventy articles are read to Jeanne.

Wednesday, March 28: The seventy articles are read to Jeanne.

Saturday, March 31: The seventy articles are read to Jeanne.


Monday-Thursday, April 2-5: Deliberation of the assessors and drafting of the twelve articles.

Monday, April 16: Jeanne falls ill after eating a carp sent her by the bishop of Beauvais.

Wednesday, Apri 18: Charitable exhortation delivered to Jeanne in her cell.


Wednesday, May 2: Public admonition.

Wednesday, May 9: Jeanne threatened with torture in the great tower of the castle.

Sunday, May 13: Formal dinner party hosted by Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, to which are invited the bishop of Beauvais, the bishop of Noyon, Louis of Luxembourg, Earl Humphrey of Stafford, and others. Late in the evening, they go see Jeanne in her prison cell.

Saturday, May 15: Deliberation of the masters of the University of Paris and of the masters and doctors present in the palace of the archbishop of Rouen.

Wednesday, May 23: Explanation of the charges and admonition to Jeanne by Pierre Maurice, canon of Rouen, in the castle of Bouvreuil.

Thursday, May 24: Public sermon in the cemetery of Saint-Ouen followed by Jeanne’s “abjuration.” She is led back to the English prison, where she dresses in women’s clothes.

Monday, May 28: In prison, Jeanne resumes men’s clothes; the charge that she is a relapsed heretic is opened.

Tuesday, May 29: Deliberation of the doctors and other assessors.

Wednesday, May 30: Jeanne is burned alive in the Old Marketplace at Rouen.


8: Notification of Jeanne’s execution sent to the princes of Christendom.

Related events after her death


(?) Charles VII requests that Pope Nicholas V authorize a new trial for Jeanne.



15 Rehabilitation process begun. Intermittently conducted until 1456.


4-5 Royal inquiry conducted by Guillaume Bouille.



2-9 Ecclesiastical inquiry into Jeanne’s life begun by Cardinal Guillaume d’Estouteville and Inquisitor Jean Brehal



Pope Callixtus III authorizes a new trial and permits Jeanne’s mother and brothers to have an inquiry into the circumstances of her trial begun.


November 7:
Retrial of Jeanne begins. Jeanne rehabilitated, and the former verdict annulled by the archbishop of Rheims.

November 17: Paris. Guillaume d’Estouteville, papal legate to France 14, opens the first session of the new trial.


December 12: The trial moves to Rouen.


January 28: Inquest begins at Domrémy.

February 12-March 16: Inquest at Orléans.

July 7: Rouen. The trial adjourns, declaring the nullity of the 1431 trial, on the basis of procedural flaws.


November 28: Death of Jeanne’s mother Isabelle.



Formal proposal of canonization is made.


Pope Pius X accords Jeanne the title “Venerable.”


April 11: Jeanne given the title “Blessed.”


May 16 Jeanne canonized by Pope Benedict XV.

1. (Tisset II, p. 46)
2. (Quicherat II, p. 443)

W. S. Scott
Regine Pernoud (founder of the Centre Jeanne d’Arc)


  1. (June 29, 1429)
  2. (a Christian religious holiday celebrating the baptism of Jesus and the arrival of the Three Wise Men)
  3. (condemnation trial)
  4. (rehabilitation trial, Deposition of Bertrand de Poulengy)
  5. (Tisset II, p. 52).
  6. (Tisset II, p. 52)
  7. (the “Letter to the English”)
  8. (Journal du siége d’Orléans)
  9. (He will be away until May 4.)
  10. (deposition of John of Alençon at the rehabilitation trial)
  11. (Perceval de Cagny)
  12. (the royal residence)
  13. (whether on the right or the left bank has not been settled)
  14. (and cousin of Charles VII)